Normally we pay a lot of attention to everything that happens before and during training, but we often forget how important the procedure that starts after it is. Because just when we put the last dumbbell down, or when we stop running, the muscle recovery process begins.
When training we break the muscle fibers, and then they have to recover, requiring proper hydration and a good number of nutrients . Therefore, you should pay special attention to your post-workout diet.
Your body after a workout
Exercising has many good things for our body. It helps us feel better physically and even psychologically. Because when we do sports we are activating our own internal "factory" of chemicals such as oxytocin and endorphins, which help us feel better.
In addition, exercise burns fat and contributes to a better regulation of insulin. But doing sports more or less intensely also has some not so positive effects that we must take into account.
The first of these is that there is a greater risk of dehydration . Luckily, we can avoid scares if we make sure we are adequately hydrated both during the training itself and in the two hours that follow. And we must not forget that we lose mineral salts , so it is interesting to replenish electrolytes with drinks rich in sodium.
Another of the effects that occurs in the body after finishing training is that there is a saturation of lactic acid in the blood and energy reserves are depleted . This can make us feel very tired or even feel dizzy. The key to avoiding these symptoms is to gradually cool down and consume carbohydrates (for example, some almonds).
No need to rush from training to the shower. Many times it is better for the body to take a short break to recover, nourish and hydrate and then return to normal activity.
How to recover after exercising: some tips
As we said before, it is essential to hydrate the body both during training and after. But right at the end is when we need to replenish electrolytes the most. A good option is to put Best Isotonic in your water, which gives you the right amount of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals your body needs to recover.
Calm down gradually
Surely on some occasion it has already happened to you that right after doing an intense workout you feel dizzy. Often this is because you have stopped too quickly and your body cannot handle such a sudden change of pace .
To avoid this feeling, calm down gradually. A brisk walk for five minutes is usually enough. This allows our body to assimilate the change of pace and begin the recovery process.
Helping the body to cool down also contributes to improving circulation and is one of the best allies against the appearance of soreness.
do stretches
Before the end of the training session, it is essential that you stretch. It will not take you more than 10 or 15 minutes and you will notice the effects both in the short and long term, keeping your muscles in optimal conditions .
By stretching, what you do is eliminate the tension in the muscles. This sends a signal to your brain that the exercise is over , which helps your body naturally return to a state of calm.
eat correctly
Specialists recommend eating something within 60 minutes of finishing sports practice , and better if it is food to recover muscle.
Many people who exercise primarily to lose weight believe that they should not eat after training so as not to "lose" the effects of training, but this is a serious mistake. If we do not take nutrients, our body cannot recover those fibers that have been damaged during exercise . Consequently, the body will hurt much more and we will not notice any progress, we will feel that we are stagnant and our physical condition does not improve.
The body is like a car, if you have gone on a long journey, you have to put fuel in it so that it can keep running. In our case, after a training session we have to give our body its particular fuel in the form of nutrients.
Of course, it is not worth anything. Nothing sweet or precooked. To recover right after training, it is a good option to carry a piece of fruit in your backpack (one of those with less sugar) or a handful of natural nuts .
And the thing does not stop here, it is not enough to eat healthy right after training. For good muscle recovery, you must get used to eating a diet that is as healthy as possible, incorporating both high-quality proteins and carbohydrates .
The union of proteins, vitamins and minerals will make your muscles recover much faster. Consequently, you will notice that little by little you are getting stronger and faster.
Don't over-train
Just as there are people who do not exercise at all, there are others for whom there is no way to stop. It is common to see them train a couple of times a day or undergo hard cardio sessions after doing intense weight training.
Contrary to popular belief, training more does not lead to better results , quite the opposite. If you don't give your body enough rest, not only will you not make progress toward your goal, but you may end up injuring yourself.
In line with the above, it never hurts to point out that the best way to help the body recover is by resting properly. It is not about going from a spinning class to spending the whole afternoon lying on the sofa, there is always an intermediate point.
Also, make sure you sleep an average of 7 to 8 hours . When sleeping, growth hormone is produced, which has a very important role in tissue repair.
If you take care of your rest and sleep well, in the end what you are doing is contributing to your body being in much better shape.
Best foods for muscle recovery
pure chocolate
If you like chocolate in its most intense version, you can take one or two ounces right after training. Of course, make sure that it has a minimum of 90% cocoa .
The problem is that pure chocolate is rather bitter. If you are not completely convinced by its flavor, you can take it accompanied by a little skimmed milk.
The banana is the fruit par excellence for athletes, and is always among the best foods for muscle recovery. It provides a lot of sugar and is a good source of potassium , which helps prevent cramps. It is best to take it right after training.
Blue Fish
Oily fish is rich in omega 3 , which has anti-inflammatory effects and thus promotes muscle recovery. In addition, fish such as tuna or sardines are rich in protein and can be cooked in many different ways.
Turkey and chicken meat
Both meats have in common that they provide our body with a high dose of protein and very little fat , so they are a very good option if you also want to control your weight and not add extra calories to your diet. The best ways to cook this meat are grilled, steamed or baked.
This tuber has important medicinal properties due to its anti- inflammatory power . Precisely for this reason, it can be of great help when it comes to achieving a good recovery of the muscles after training.
Its intense flavor is not to everyone's liking, but the good thing is that we can take it in very different ways. The simplest is through an infusion, but we can also add it to creams and soups, or even make delicious cookies with it.
Fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables cannot be missing in any balanced diet. They provide vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and also water . Also, some have anti-inflammatory effects, such as garlic and grapes. Regarding its preparation, it admits multiple varieties.
If you like coffee you are in luck. It has been discovered that having a cup of coffee about 30 to 45 minutes before training (only and without sugar or sweeteners), helps burn fat. If you prefer to take it later, it works as a great ally in the recovery of the body.
Although it helps to reduce muscle pain , it is not convenient to overuse this drink. You shouldn't drink more than four cups a day.
complement your diet
You may not like some of the foods that we have pointed out, but that does not mean that you cannot help your body. For muscle recovery, supplements are great allies.
For example, if you eat less fish than you should, you can take omega 3 capsules with essential fatty acids.
You can also try vitamin C chewable tablets to reduce tiredness and fatigue .
If you train correctly, rest, hydrate well and also follow a healthy and balanced diet, you will have no problem with muscle recovery and in a short time you will have achieved your goals.